January 6, 2014
As part of its Advanced Commercial Information program, Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will implement the eManifest filing requirement for freight forwarders in July 2014. This phase of eManifest requires the advance electronic transmission of House Bill of Lading data by Freight Forwarders/NVOCC's for cargo imported into, or moving in-transit through Canada.
The high level general requirements are as follows:
Under eManifest, Vessel Operating Carriers (VOC) will be allowed to act as third party agents and submit the House BL data on behalf of Freight Forwarders/NVOCC's. However, the transmission must be sent using the 8000 series carrier code belonging to the Freight Forwarder/NVOCC. "K" Line is investigating the programming changes needed to act as a third party filing agent, however we cannot offer this service at this time.
All Freight Forwarders/NVOCC's are urged to immediately investigate and take the necessary steps to ensure your ability to comply with this new requirement. Detailed information and contacts can be found at the following website: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/prog/manif/reqfrfwdrs-extransitaires-eng.html